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Our Programs


Bible Schools

     From the time that we first began doing ministry as "The KnightLights" team, VBS (Vacation Bible School) ministry has been part of the heart and soul of our program offerings.  Most of our VBS programs are held on a Monday through Friday schedule, but we have adapted that format to meet the needs of each individual church which is hosting us.  Our VBS programs typically run between an hour and fifteen minutes to an hour and a half long.  Each church that hosts "The KnightLights" team for a VBS program receives a packet which includes an informational letter that contains a summary of the program, Bible verses to be copied for the program, a poster which can be duplicated for promotional purposes, and a list of decoration suggestions to coincide with the VBS theme.  


     When a church hosts "The KnightLights" for a VBS program, our team is responsible for the main instructional time.  Some churches simply have us do our program as the totality of their VBS program, while others choose to incorporate snacks, crafts, and recreation as well.  By having our team provide the instructional part of the VBS, the church's volunteers are free to focus on the other aspects of the VBS.  Some churches have mentioned that having our team do the main teaching for their VBS has eliminated the need to find volunteers to teach, which had previously been a challenge for them.  


     We love working with churches for their VBS programs.  Our "resident song-writing puppet" Red even wrote a song about the blessing and merit of VBS in the life of a believer.  His song is entitled "Ode to VBS."  It is such a blessing to see men, women, teens, and children attending these VBS sessions at their churches, as there truly is something for everybody at these events.


"Therefore go and make deciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." 


Matthew 28:19-20



     We love doing VBS programs, but minute for minute, no other ministry program provides the same level of return for our time investment as does the camp programs. Opportunity for evangelism and discipleship is directly affected by the amount of time one can spend with another, and that is a main benefit to Christian camping ministry.


     As "The KnightLights" team, we partner with various churches and camps for both day camps and overnight camps.  In some situations we have simply been the chapel speakers, while in other situations in addition to speaking, we have also functioned as counselors and even directors.


     One huge blessing for us over the years has been the joy of seeing former campers of ours returning to the various camps to serve others as counselors themselves.  The Lord is truly gracious in permitting us to see such positive spiritual fruit right before our eyes.



Conferences and Conventions

     Another avenue of ministry for which we are grateful to be a part of is serving at Christian conferences and conventions.  When partnering with individual churches for these events we have both been responsible for the chidren's programs as well as Nathan sometimes being the featured speaker for the adults.  We enjoy the new friendships that are built through such endeavors.


   We have been blessed to be able to partner with various Christian homeschool conventions as well.  We have ministered at the Alliance international homeschool conference as well as the state-wide conventions conducted by CHAP, ENOCH, INCH, MassHOPE and CAPE-NM.  


     We are also most appreciative for our partnership in ministry with Harvey Cedars Bible Conference in New Jersey.  2015 marked a decade of serving alongside their staff to reach families with the message of hope found only through the Gospel of Christ.  




Other Programs

     There are a variety of other programs that "The KnightLights" team offers in addition to the three categories listed previously.  We have done a number of one-day outreach events to aid various churches and ministries with their evangelism and discipleship efforts.  Some of these programs are held inside churches, while others have been part of outdoor open-air ministry events.


     Some churches schedule us to minister during their revival services.  Sometimes we partner with them by providing sessions solely for the children, while in other settings, Nathan serves as the speaker for the adults while April and Philip minister to the children.


     We have conducted teacher training seminars for churches and groups who are looking for a way to invest in their volunteers.  We have done some puppet training seminars and general teaching seminars, of which our personal favorite is a series entitled "Doing Children's Minisitry Without the Use of Anesthesia."


     As our schedule permits, we also provide pulpit supply.  We provide either an entire KnightLights presentation, or Nathan simply speaks.  Our team is also available for various counseling sessions as the need may arise. 




© 2015 by The KnightLights. Created by Philip Mack

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