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2024 December Programs


Dec. 11 -- FCA chapel services

Dec. 12 -- HHCS jr./sr. high RT @ 12:35pm-1:30pm

Dec. 18 -- GT Caroling & Fruit Bag Delivery Night @ 6pm


Dec. 19 -- HHCS jr./sr. high RT @ 12:35pm-1:30pm

Dec. 22 -- GT Christmas Play @ 10:30am

Dec. 24 -- GT Christmas Eve Candlelight Service @ 7pm

Dec. 26 -- BCBCM Skating Party Outreach @ 1pm-3:30pm @ Moon Glo II

Dec. 29 -- GT Christmas Cantata Service @ 10:30am

2025 January Programs


Jan. 7 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am

Jan. 8 -- FCA chapel services

Jan. 10-11 -- New Frontier Church's Leadership Retreat


Jan. 14 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am

Jan. 18-20 -- Covenant Winter Conference @ HCBC

Jan. 21 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am

Jan. 28 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am

Jan. 30 -- HHCS jr./sr. high RT @ 12:35pm-1:30pm

2025 February Programs


Feb. 2 -- 2025 Gregorio KnightLights Update E-mail

Feb. 4 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am

Feb. 6 -- HHCS jr./sr. high RT @ 12:35pm-1:30pm

Feb. 11 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am

Feb. 12 -- FCA chapels

Feb. 13 -- HHCS jr./sr. high RT @ 12:35pm-1:30pm

Feb. 18 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am 

Feb. 20 -- HHCS jr./sr. high RT @ 12:35pm-1:30pm

Feb. 25 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am

Feb. 27 -- HHCS jr./sr. high RT @ 12:35pm-1:30pm

2025 March Programs


Mar. 2 -- Kenya Missions Service @ GT with Kletzing Family @ 5pm

Mar. 4 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am

Mar. 6 -- HHCS jr./sr. high RT @ 12:35pm-1:30pm

Mar. 6 -- BCBCM Summer Missionary Orientation Night @ 5pm-7pm

Mar. 11 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am

Mar. 12 -- FCA chapels

Mar. 13 -- HHCS jr./sr. high RT @ 12:35pm-1:30pm

Mar. 18 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am 

Mar. 20 -- HHCS jr./sr. high RT @ 12:35pm-1:30pm

Mar. 22 -- SCW SKFA Event @ GT (registration begins @ 10am)

Mar. 25 -- HHCS elementary RT @ 10:45am-11:25am

Mar. 27 -- HHCS jr./sr. high RT @ 12:35pm-1:30pm

Mar. 29 -- Family Outreach Program @ Mt. Union Church of Lovely @



2/2/25 - The KnightLights News

Gregorio's KL Groundhog Day Update


   A warm (ironically enough, considering the temperature in Bedford County today) hello to you during one of our most cherished times of the entire year—Groundhog Day!  This year has already gotten off to an exciting start for our team.  During the second week of January, we did our first set of KnightLights services ever to take place in the state of New York.  The week after that, we had the honor of ministering once again with our dear friends from Covenant Church at their winter conference held at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference.  Later this spring, we are scheduled to partner with a church in Pennsylvania which will be a new location for our team.  We give God praise for providing these opportunities!

When you think of “two dozen,” what are some of the initial corresponding thoughts that come to mind?  Do you envision a collection of round, perhaps iced, or even sprinkled, delectable pastries that include enough of them to share with your family, or perhaps a small group of friends?  Maybe you think of two cartons of omelets that are yearning to be made (at an increasingly more expensive rate by the day, I might add).  Well, this year, as I prepare to compose for you the annual Gregorio Groundhog Day KnightLights Update e-mail, “two dozen” reminds me of something else.  Two dozen just so happens to be the total number of years of original KnightLights programming as of 2025.  Yes, this year’s  message will mark the twenty-fourth time of me communicating initial information concerning the new upcoming KnightLights main program theme.  We thank the Lord for His grace and enablement to serve Him in such a manner!

   All of us are indebted to the dedicated medical professionals who give of themselves to take care of the health emergencies that come our way.  Life in this world impacted by the curse of sin would be much more bleak without the trained care of ambulance squads, paramedics, doctors, surgeons, and nurses.  In moments of traumatic devastation, the process of triage (the sorting of patients to categorize both proper and prioritized treatment) is essential!  (A compound fracture, for example, trumps an ingrown toenail in regard to what would require the more immediate attention.)  A similar parallel could be made with needs in the spiritual realm.  Thus, it is my honor to present to you our newest KL program theme:  “Spiritual Triage.”  

The Bible lesson series for this program will highlight some of the more essential (or spiritually triaged) teachings of Scripture.  Individual sessions will cover the topics of the authority of the Bible, the nature and character of God, the reality of the fallen condition of man, God’s provision for eternal salvation by the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Christian’s responsibility in this world through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.  

This year’s KnightLights program will feature the debut of two new special guests.  They are Cardia and Neuro, who just so happen to be a set of paramedic twins, who are willing to share some life lessons from their life’s work.  Also making her debut this season will be a new puppet, Aaliyah, who will conduct a special daily prayer segment.

Red & Pentagon plan to have some new parody music set to go for us.  Abbie & Lincoln are planning to return, as are Chevanna & Kevin.  They will introduce our Bible verses and reiterate program themes during their segments.  Other KL puppets may lend a helping hand (or two) to assist with worship and other segments.  Personally, I am contemplating a new storio series that takes a look at some “bad medicine throughout history.”  (Let’s just say that we can all be thankful that we live in the modern era when it comes to that department!)

   Similar to what was done during our baseball-themed program, Miss April’s Christian biography segment this year may be split into two sections, covering “A Tale of Two Davids”:  David Brainerd and David Livingstone.  (A medical theme connects these two, among other concepts.)  We will also plan to include an interactive review game to encapsulate each main daily session.

   As I bring this year’s update to a close, I will discuss how you can partner with us to help meet some of the expense needs of our team.  This year’s program will require us to purchase various supplies to correspond with different segments, especially for the presentations done by our special guests.  Looking back at last year’s Groundhog Day update, in this portion of the message I mentioned that we had to replace the tires on the KL van.  Oh, “the good old days!”  As this is being typed to you, the KL van is currently at a garage awaiting some repairs, which have not been completely diagnosed as of yet.  (It got dropped off on Thursday, and hopefully, it will be looked at thoroughly tomorrow.)  If you feel led to help contribute financially to the concerns of our team, checks could be written out to either Nathan or April Elliott, and then write “KnightLights ministry gift” in the memo section.  Our contact information is:

Nathan & April Elliott
507 East Penn St.                 phone:  (814)-623-5251
Bedford, PA  15522            e-mail:

   We are grateful for your friendship, your prayers, and your support!  We thank each of you who partners with us by scheduling KL services and programs!  If you have not yet “liked” our team’s Facebook page, please do so as a way of keeping up with us on a more regular basis.  On Facebook we can be found at “The KnightLights.”  You can also find more information about our team by checking out our website which is:

   While there are many doctrinal teachings and points of conviction that are important to each of us as believers, in our efforts to reach the lost for Christ, it is paramount that we prioritize what is most essential.  “Spiritual Triage” is key because:  “When time is short, we need to focus on what is most critical!”  Please pray for us to do just that, as we reciprocate that intercession back for each of you.

Your groundhog buddy in Christ,





2/2/24 - The KnightLights News

Gregorio's KL Groundhog Day Update


   Hopefully things have been going well for you here today during one of our most beloved holidays of the entire year—Groundhog Day!  Believe it or not, 2024 is marching right along, and it is time again for me to present to you the annual Gregorio Groundhog Day KnightLights Update e-mail.  This particular correspondence will mark the twenty-third time of doing so.  That’s right, this year will bring our twenty-third season of original, totally new, KnightLights programming!  We thank the Lord for His enablement to do so! 

   Individuals in our society, and especially our young people, have been under spiritual attack by the militant identity movement.  There is a blatant effort to encourage people to not accept who they are in light of how their Creator formed them.  Another loud lie of the enemy is that a person’s life is without value or worth.  Going to the other extreme by failing to acknowledge one’s sin and corresponding desperate need for the Savior is equally deceptive.  With those thoughts in mind, this year, it is our honor to bring to you our latest offering:  “More Than a Name.”  

The Bible lesson series for this program will be a thematic study that highlights life lessons that can be learned from some of the individuals in Scripture who went through a name change.  In some cases (such as Abram), the Lord initiated the pseudonyms, while in other cases the nicknames came from their associates (Joseph in the book of Acts would be an example of this), but regardless of the source, these new monikers definitely provide us with some spiritual food for thought.  

This year’s KnightLights program will feature the debut of a new special guest.  His name is Dr. Nomen Clature.  He is a professor who will discuss his research on the topic of some of the various names for God mentioned in the Bible.  

Abbie & Lincoln are scheduled to return, as are Chevanna & Kevin.  They will introduce our Bible verses and reiterate program themes during their segments.  Red & Pentagon plan to collaborate on some new parody music for this year, and several of the other KL puppets may lend a helping hand (or two) to assist with some of our other worship time segments.  For my part, I am considering a new storio series that takes a look at some “Awkward ID’s.”  You could probably imagine where such an investigation might take us!  Speaking of my storios, last year right before the main summer programs began, I was able to release my latest CD, “Gregorio’s Storios 5:  Gregorio Pleads the Fifth.” Hopefully you have the chance to check it out and give it a listen.

   Keeping in line with the name motif for this year’s main program, it is looking like Miss April’s Christian biography segment will focus on the beloved missionary who was known to many as “Ma” and the “Queen of Okoyong.”  (Do you church history buffs know who I am talking about based on those nickname related clues?)  We also plan to introduce a new review game creation during this year’s program entitled “The Name Game.”

   As I bring this year’s update to a close, I will discuss how you can partner with us to help meet the expense needs of our team.  Last year we had to replace our sound system that is utilized for outdoor program events and other services.  Thank you to those who helped to defray the cost of that equipment.  This year we will have to invest in the purchase of a variety of props and items that are pertinent to our new program.  (We did some preliminary research on some of those items earlier today.)  In a few weeks we will have to replace all four tires on our main ministry van.  (The van has served us well, and it saw a lot of miles last year including a trip to Missouri as well as two drives to our first KnightLights programs in the state of Delaware!)  If you feel led to help contribute financially to the concerns of our team, checks could be written out to either Nathan or April Elliott, and then write “KnightLights ministry gift” in the memo section.  Our contact information is:

Nathan & April Elliott
507 East Penn St.             phone:  (814)-623-5251
Bedford, PA  15522           e-mail:

   We are grateful for your friendship, your prayers, and your support!  If you have not yet “liked” our team’s Facebook page, please do so as a way of keeping up with us on a more regular basis.  On Facebook we can be found at “The KnightLights.”  You can also find more information about our team by checking out our website which is:

   In a world where there is a lot of clatter in regard to who we are, it is reassuring to know that each one of us is truly “More Than a Name,” because “Your true identity can only be found through Christ!”  It will be our team’s honor to study God’s perspective on this with you.   

Your groundhog buddy in Christ,




2/2/23 - The KnightLights News

Gregorio's KL Groundhog Day Update


   I am working on this message for you in the early hours of the morning when, just a few counties away, that other famous groundhog from Pennsylvania (I refer here to Phil, and not that scratching lottery guy) is preparing to take center stage for his special holiday obligations.  Yes, my friends, it is time once again for me to present to you the annual Gregorio Groundhog Day KnightLights Update e-mail.  It is the twenty-second such time, to be exact. 

   Through the Lord’s help and empowerment, we are now entering the preparation process for our twenty-second installment of original KnightLights programming.  (A tip of the hat to Josh and Wei Wong from Covenant Church for already getting into the trenches with us on this endeavor.)  For those of you out there who are science and technology buffs, this year’s new main KnightLights program should be right up your alley.  This year, it is our joy to bring to you our latest offering:  “Marvels & Miracles.”  

The Bible lesson series for this program will be a thematic study that highlights some of the technological and architectural wonders that are referenced in the Scriptures, coupled with some spiritual application truths that correspond with these accounts.  However, as it is part of our desire to engage our audiences with portions of the Scriptures that seem to get less air time than others, don’t expect to hear any lessons on the ark, the pyramids, or the walls of either Jericho or Jerusalem.  The accounts we have selected for this study will still, without doubt, be familiar nonetheless to some of you, while to others we just might be breaking new ground.  We pray that our examination of these texts will be beneficial to you either way.  

Since this year’s theme will highlight different aspects of technology, it made sense for us to invite a special guest from several years ago to join us for a daily visit this year.  That guest will serve up a hearty helping of nostalgia for some of you.  I am referring to:  The Gadget Geek.  Although his gizmos have definitely changed over time since we have last seen him at a KL service, he will still have a number of object lessons to share with us throughout the week.  

Abbie & Lincoln will no doubt have some technology discussions along the way, while Chevanna & Kevin plan to tackle the topic of design from a totally different perspective.  Red & Pentagon will be working on some new parody music for this year, and the word on the street is that Roscoe and Bookworm are scheduled to make some appearances.  (By the way, a shout-out goes to Pastor Joel Kletzing for bringing a research volume to our attention that will be utilized in our preparation for this new program.)  Some of the other KnightLights puppets may make some cameos from time to time, and I plan to present a new storio series that puts some bizarre, unique, strange, and perhaps even troubling architecture in the spotlight.  Speaking of my specific contribution to this year’s endeavor, if I can carve out some time to get to the recording studio before the summer season begins, I may be able to release my next collection of “Gregorio’s Storios” in the form of my fifth album.

   Right now, it is looking as if the person being featured in Miss April’s Christian biography segment will be George Washington Carver.  If we can figure out a proper way to do so, during this year’s program we may also discuss the lives of other famous scientists who were followers of God.  At some of our locations where additional time is allotted to us throughout the course of the week, we may even do some STEM related activities or competitions.

   As I bring this update to a close, I will remind you of how you can partner with us to help meet the expense needs of our team.  Currently, the main pressing financial obligations include purchasing a variety of props and presentation tools that are pertinent to the segments for this year.  (Some of those we have already ordered so we can begin the preparation process.)  We also appreciate any funding given towards taking care of the van and other equipment obligations.  If you feel led to help contribute financially to the concerns of our team, checks could be written out to either Nathan or April Elliott, and then write “KnightLights ministry gift” in the memo section.  Our contact information is:

Nathan & April Elliott
507 East Penn St.            phone:  (814)-623-5251
Bedford, PA  15522          e-mail: 

   We are grateful for your friendship, your prayers, and your support!  If you have not yet “liked” our team’s Facebook page, please do so as a way of keeping up with us on a more regular basis.  On Facebook we can be found at “The KnightLights.”  You can also find more information about our team by checking out our website which is:

   A year ago my message to you was quite somber as that particular week two men who were dear to us, and who were mentors to us, passed away.  Our team was impacted by two deaths in January prior to those losses, and after their passing, 2022 continued to proceed month after month with death after death.  It was a devasting year for us in that regard, including the loss of yet two other spiritual mentors and influencers in our lives.  2023 does not seem to be letting up in that department.  In fact, tomorrow our team will be at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference for the celebration of life service for Rev. Al Oldham.  (Al was the gentleman who first gave the “green light” for our team to begin doing KL programs at HCBC.)  We ask that you please pray for the Oldham, Wall, Shaffer, and Burkett families who are all grieving the loss of loved ones at this time.  We also ask that you would pray for our team, as we are now going on a stretch of 13 months in which we have been impacted in some way by the passing of different individuals.  It would be rather nice to see that trend come to an end.  Through it all, the Lord has continued to prove Himself faithful!   

   God deserves to be praised—not just because of what He has done, but also because of Who He is!  But man, has He done some amazing things!  It will be our delight and honor to discuss just a small portion of them with you this summer as we present to you “Marvels & Miracles” (“Engineered Though Ingenuity By the Divine Designer”).    

Your groundhog buddy in Christ,





2/2/22 - The KnightLights News

Gregorio's KL Groundhog Day Update



    It is time for me to once again present to you the annual Gregorio Groundhog Day KnightLights update e-mail.  Right up front, I am going to let you know that this will be quite unlike all of the twenty ones that preceded it.  There are times in which you can proceed with a typical “business as usual” approach, and there are other times in which you simply cannot do such a thing.  This particular update falls in the second category. 


    This past Sunday, Mr. Philip and Mr. Nate were making plans to visit a lady in a nursing home later in the week, only to learn that she has passed away recently.  Then, later that same night, Miss April and Mr. Nate began to receive some messages concerning their dear science professor from Lancaster Bible College, Dr. Jim DeVries.


    For those of you who have met our team through Harvey Cedars Bible Conference, CHAP, ENOCH, MASS HOPE, INCH, CAPE NM, and the international homeschool conference that incorporated Canada, the U.S., and Mexico, please know this—none of those amazing interactions would have been possible without an initial contact that was made for us by Dr. DeVries.  It was Dr. DeVries who spoke to a gentleman named Al Oldham about bringing along his lab assistant from LBC to aid him with a marine biology lab to be run during the HCBC homeschool week.  In typical Dr. DeVries fashion (and almost with a dose of Columbo thrown in for dramatic effect) he said this:  “Oh, and by the way, they do children’s ministry too.”  Well, that parting comment turned into a single service invitation, which then turned into a now seventeen-year partnership.  


    And now, the man who helped to establish a number of KnightLights contacts was in a hospital, getting ready to go into hospice care.


    Mr. Nate made plans to visit with him and the family at the hospital on Monday.  As part of that planning, he contacted another beloved professor of theirs from LBC, their theology professor, Dr. Rick Fairman, to see if he would be interested in going along for the hospital visit.  Dr. Fairman gave the Gospel presentation at Miss April and Mr. Nate’s wedding (yes, they really are a married couple) and he is both a mentor and “second father” to the two of them.  On Sunday night, Dr. Fairman thought that he would be able to join Mr. Nate for the trip, but then on Monday morning things changed and they simply agreed to meet up after Mr. Nate was finished at the hospital.


    At the hospital, although Dr. DeVries was unable to communicate with words, there were possible indications of smiling from time to time along with some other physical responses.  Mr. Nate and the family in the room at the time prayed together, sang “Great Is Thy Faithfulness,”  Mr. Nate did a brief devotional/Scripture reading from Ps. 19 and Ps. 37:25-26, and then they prayed again.  (As of the typing of this update, Dr. DeVries is still being treated in the hospital with hospice care.)  After saying his goodbyes and leaving the hospital, Mr. Nate began on his drive to catch up with Dr. Fairman.  And that’s when the call from Miss April came.  Earlier that day, Dr. Fairman was killed in a car accident. 


    As you can imagine, this has devastated our team.  God’s promises are true, and the Lord is indeed ever faithful.  And, yes, as believers we do not mourn like the unsaved world who has no hope. . . but we still mourn.  It has been a rough set of four days for us.  So having said that, the remainder of this Gregorio Groundhog Day Update is not going to contain the same type of detail and information that it typically would.  We thank you in advance for being understanding.   


I can at least tell you that the new KnightLights main program for 2022 at this moment has the working title of:  “Circus of the Stars” with the possible tagline being, “God’s amazing creation is the greatest show on earth!”  The Bible lessons will focus on various times in which stars were a prominent feature of something significant that God did.  The overarching theme of the program as a whole will emphasize the truth that “the heavens declare the glory of the Lord” which, interestingly enough, is a concept that is very dear to Dr. DeVries’ heart.  In fact, don’t be surprised to find his and Dr. Fairman’s metaphorical fingerprints show up in various ways in this new program.  We love these two men and we are grateful for their investment in our lives and the lives of many others.


    For those of you hosting us, we will have additional details for you in our upcoming packet.  You can also check out our website and Facebook page for future updates and information.


    As I bring this particular update to a close, I once again remind you of how you can contribute to help meet the expense needs of our team.  Currently, the main pressing financial obligations include purchasing a variety of props and presentation tools that are pertinent to the presentations for this year, and of course, taking care of the van and other equipment obligations.  If you feel led to help contribute financially to the concerns of our team, checks could be written out to either Nathan or April Elliott, and then write “KnightLights ministry gift” in the memo section.  Our contact information is:


Nathan & April Elliott

507 East Penn St.            phone:  (814)-623-5251

Bedford, PA  15522          e-mail: 


    Thank-you for your friendship, your prayers, and your support!  If you have not yet “liked” our team’s Facebook page, please do so as a way of keeping up with us on a more regular basis.  On Facebook we can be found at “The KnightLights.”  We are still in the process of posting albums that feature the 2021 summer programs as well as other events that have arisen in between.  


    God is not a good God simply because of the blessings we enjoy—He is good because that is His nature.  It is Who He is, and He deserves our praise at all times.  We give Him praise for His great faithfulness, and in the meantime, we ask for your intercession on behalf of our team and the Fairman and DeVries families.  Pray also for a fruitful “21st Season” of original KnightLights programming.  Thank you for taking the time to read this.    


Your groundhog buddy in Christ,







2/2/21 - The KnightLights News

Gregorio's KL Groundhog Day Update



     I am not sure what it is like where you live, but here in southwestern Pennsylvania on one of our most cherished holidays of the entire year, it is a groundhog’s dream come true for sure with the fresh batch of snow we have just received. It came just in time for me to once again present to you the annual Gregorio Groundhog Day KnightLights update e-mail.  

     As I type this, I am hit with one of those “reality check” life moments.  This year will mark the twentieth. . . that’s right. . . the TWENTIETH. . . season of completely new KnightLights programming themes!  Where has the time gone!?!  We are so grateful for each of you who partner with us in ministry.  It is through your support and the empowerment of the Lord that we are able to do the work that we do.  2020 was a challenging year to say the least, but we reflect with awe on how timely last year’s lessons, segments, and concepts were in conjunction with the reality of current events and the world in which we lived. We pray that this year’s new program will bear much fruit for God’s kingdom as well.

     It was on a return drive home on I-99 from one of the evening Bible school sessions at Christ Church in Roaring Spring during that “unique” 2020 season, that the initial thoughts for a future KnightLights program began to form.  When it seems as if the Lord is giving us ideas for a new program or project, we make an effort to pause and jot those details down so we can better seek His guidance as far as what to do with that information.  So while a few of the KL team members were taking a nap, some of the rest of us took a break of a different nature to record some notes.   That roadside respite led to the development of our new KnightLights main program for 2021 which is entitled:  “Signs.”  

     God is not distant from us, nor does He conceal Himself from those who earnestly seek Him (c.f. Jer. 29:13).  He is our benevolent, relational Creator.  Scripture is clear that in addition to the divine revelation of Himself through His Word, the existence of God, as well as insights into His power and nature, can be clearly seen through the wonders of what He has created (c.f. Rom. 1:20).  The tagline for this year’s program is:  “God is speaking.  Are you listening?”  A variety of segments will be incorporated throughout our presentations to reiterate this concept.  The Bible lessons will highlight some of the notable “signs” that God used to communicate at different times throughout the course of history.  (Specifically, we will study the rainbow after the Great Flood; God’s patient interaction with Gideon; the handwriting on the wall; the fruit of the Spirit in the life of the believer; and Jesus giving “the sign of Jonah” in reference to His own resurrection partnered with Jesus’ emphasis on the importance of missions in God’s kingdom.)  Abbie & Lincoln as well as Chevanna & Kevin will be joined by several of the other KnightLights puppets in a variety of program segments.  Red & Pentagon have a new theme song they are working on, and there are two new team members (one being a puppet, and one not-so-much) who are scheduled to join us for this new endeavor.

     The person being featured in Miss April’s Christian biography segment (someone that was actually suggested to us by one of our ministry partners several years ago) will be Sundar Singh.  I will contribute another selection of my “storios” for our new theme, and we will make an effort to include some kind of culminating review game.

     As I bring this update to a close, I will remind you of how you can contribute to help meet the expense needs of our team.  Currently, the main pressing financial obligations include purchasing a variety of props and presentation tools that are pertinent to the presentations for this year, and of course, taking care of the van and other equipment obligations.  If you feel led to help contribute financially to the concerns of our team, checks could be written out to either Nathan or April Elliott, and then write “KnightLights ministry gift” in the memo section.  Our contact information is:

Nathan & April Elliott
507 East Penn St.               phone:  (814)-623-5251
Bedford, PA  15522           e-mail: 

     Thank-you for your friendship, your prayers, and your support!  If you have not yet “liked” our team’s Facebook page, please do so as a way of keeping up with us on a more regular basis.  On Facebook we can be found at “The KnightLights.” We are currently in the process of posting albums that feature the 2020 summer programs.  

     God is a promise-keeping God.  When He says something, He is most serious about it.  Praise His name that He is not desirous that any should perish, but He has stated quite clearly that all must come to repentance.  I pray that we each first and foremost embrace Him as our personal Lord and Savior.  Then, through the empowerment of His Spirit, may we be faithful in sharing Him with others as we point out His “Signs.”  After all, “God is speaking.  Are you listening?”    

Your groundhog buddy in Christ,






2/2/20 - The KnightLights News

Gregorio's KL Groundhog Day Update



            On this rather busy day when folks are thinking about many different things such as Sunday church services, impeachment hearings, the first round of primary caucus voting for this presidential election cycle, the State of the Union speech, and some sort of football championship game to be watched along with a plethora of snack foods (just to name a few things that have people talking), it is also time for me to once again present to you the annual Gregorio Groundhog Day KnightLights update e-mail. 


            Last year marked our eighteenth summer of original KnightLights programming presentations and services.  (If you are at the very least moderately competent with math, you have already figured out that that would make this year our nineteenth anniversary of ministering as a team.)  In that stretch of time, you can imagine that we have encountered many scenarios and situations that have been the source of both thanksgiving and heartache.  Including Miss April and Mr. Nate’s years of service as CEF summer missionaries, our team has interacted with young people and their families consistently and consecutively in three separate decades.  Yet, even with that background of experience, our team ran into a new ministry challenge last year for the very first time. . . a challenge that would be faced multiple times in at least three different states.


Through conversations and interactions, a concerning matter was brought to our attention on almost a weekly basis.  Although this issue materialized in the form of the verbalization of gender-identity “crises” in students as young as seven, godly wisdom directs us to see that this is merely one symptom of a much larger problem.  Our dear friends, please understand that our children and teens are enduring an intense ethical and spiritual attack on the basic premise that there is a standard for absolute truth in this world.  The beliefs of moral relativity and subjective truth are being shoved upon them with force.  The church would be wise to address this foundational assault on the authority of Scripture in a practical and balanced way.  It is our desire to be a part of that effort with our new KnightLights main program for this year which is entitled:  “20/20 Vision.”  The tagline for this program is:  “Life is only clear when viewed through the lens of Scripture!”


The overriding theme of the program will be the reiteration that there is indeed absolute truth and morality in this world, and that truth can be found in the infallible, authoritative Word of God.  A variety of segments will be incorporated throughout the program to present this concept.  The Bible lessons themselves will involve a study of the “trustworthy sayings” from the “pastoral epistles” of I & II Timothy and Titus.  Abbie & Lincoln as well as Chevanna & Kevin will be joined by several of the other KnightLights puppets in a variety of program segments.  Red & Pentagon plan to head to the recording studio for some more KnightLights parody action, and this year might even see the program debut of two new KL puppet team members.


            As of the typing of this update, Miss April’s Christian biography segment is still being formulated—in fact, similar to what we had done with the “Majoring on the Majors” program, we may feature two separate biographies throughout the course of this endeavor.  Stay tuned for the final decision on that one.  I will contribute another selection of my “storios” for our new theme, and also this year, we plan to incorporate rounds of a game show called “Actual or Retractable.”


            As I bring this update to a close, I will remind you of how you can contribute to help meet the expense needs of our team.  Currently, the main pressing financial obligations include purchasing a variety of props and presentation tools that are pertinent to the presentations for this year, and of course, taking care of the van and other equipment obligations.  If you feel led to help contribute financially to the concerns of our team, checks could be written out to either Nathan or April Elliott, and then write “KnightLights ministry gift” in the memo section. 


Our contact information is:


Nathan & April Elliott

507 East Penn St.

Bedford, PA  15522         

phone:  (814)-623-5251       



            Thank-you for your friendship, your prayers, and your support!  If you have not yet “liked” our team’s Facebook page, please do so as a way of keeping up with us on a more regular basis.  On Facebook we can be found at “The KnightLights.” 


            Man’s “wisdom” devoid of God’s truth will always lead to foolishness.  That is why we can say with confidence:  “Life is only clear when viewed through the lens of Scripture!”  May we all have a solid, spiritual “20/20 Vision!” 


Your groundhog buddy in Christ,




2/2/2019 - The KnightLights News

Gregorio's KL Groundhog Day Update



            I hope that this message finds things thawing out for you. Things have truly been frigid around here for sure the past couple of days, but maybe things will warm up a little bit as I once again present to you the annual Gregorio Groundhog Day KnightLights update e-mail.  


            If there is any other time of the year that gets me as excited as today’s particularly beloved of all holidays (which, quick rabbit. . . or should I say. . . groundhog trail here. . . thanks to Bryan and Kim Esworthy for their faithfulness throughout the years in sending our team Groundhog Day greetings via the U.S. Postal Service), I would have to say that it is the Christmas season.  Being that most of our main KnightLights programs are held in the summer, spring, and fall, we do not typically do a lot of Christmas themed full-week presentations.  Don’t get me wrong, we are grateful for the shorter winter time events that some of you have scheduled us for in the past, but to date, we have not yet done a full week’s worth of KnightLights programming that focuses on some of the spiritual truths that relate to the Christmas season.  That all changes with the theme for the 2019 KnightLights main program which is entitled:  “Christ‘mas’ the Whole Year Through.”  The tagline for this program is:  “The entire world would benefit from a lot ‘more Christ!’”


The Bible lessons for this program will focus on various prophecies about Christ, the Messiah, with an emphasis not only on the work He has already done on the behalf of humanity, but also on what He is yet to do.  Due to the wordplay with the program title, Alejandro & Betsy will make a return to set up the events of each day’s session. Abbie & Lincoln will provide introductions for this year’s Bible verses, while Chevanna & Kevin will be doing a segment on Christmas traditions from around the world.  While Red & Pentagon are currently working on a new theme song, they may also have time to squeeze in some other projects during our preparation stage.  We just might even have a new puppet friend join our team this year as well.


            Miss April’s Christian biography segment will cover the life of Franklin Graham and will also highlight the ministry of Samaritan’s Purse and the Operation Christmas Child project.  Those of you who have attended KnightLights full-week programs in the past know that we also feature appearances from special guests (such as Miss Nomer, The Nacho Man Nomore Baggage, and The Duct Tape Guru). This year, to correspond with our Christmas theme, we are anticipating the premier of an individual known as The Silent Knight.


            Speaking of this year’s festive concept, Mr. Nate created a new review game that already made its debut during the Covenant Church retreat in January.  It is a game that is called “Snowball Fight.”  In addition to Red & Pentagon’s parodies, other applicable Christmas themed songs will be incorporated in this year’s presentations. At each location we plan to do an audience interactive voting event called “The Grinch of the Day.”  For my own segment, I plan to present an informative study on unusual holidays from around the world.


            That gets you caught up on what is bouncing around in our brains for the 2019 main program.  Thank you to all who blessed our team during the September “dollar-for-dollar” gift match.  We were able to take care of several equipment needs as a result.  Currently, the main area of financial need for the team is addressing issues on the van, such as the traction control and some other items. As before, if you feel led to help contribute financially to this concern of our team, checks could be written out to either Nathan or April Elliott, and then write “KnightLights ministry gift” in the memo section.  Our contact information is:


Nathan & April Elliott

507 East Penn St.                phone:  (814)-623-5251

Bedford, PA  15522           email: 



            Thank-you for your friendship, your prayers, and your support, and please have a great Groundhog Day!  Also, if you have not yet “liked” our team’s Facebook page, please do so as a way of keeping up with us on a more regular basis.  On Facebook we can be found at “The KnightLights.”


Your groundhog buddy in Christ,




2/2/2018 - The KnightLights News

Gregorio's KL Groundhog Day Update

    On a day in which other groundhogs’ thoughts are consumed with snow, I find myself being overwhelmed with water.  I am not talking about a rainstorm from outside. . . I am talking about the leak from the upstairs sink at the KnightLights home base that flooded the bathroom and also made some of its way down into the living room.  After helping with some damage control, I now have relocated myself to the computer as it is once again time for me to present to you the annual Gregorio Groundhog Day KnightLights update e-mail.  

   Some of you know that one of the ways in which we prepare for new KnightLights main programs is that we keep an ongoing list to record ideas with potential for additional development as we are out and about our travels.  Sometimes it could be a concept for a new puppet audition. (Which, by the way, if you check out our web-site at:, you can see the new puppet husband and wife duo which will be serving with us for the first time this coming year in the “Our Newest Team Members” section.)  Other times the notes could be potential titles or actual lyrics for a new parody of Red’s.  The bulk of these scribal recordings, though, are ideas for future KnightLights programs.  An entry on that list which was added during a revival service in which Mr. Nate was the speaker for the adults and Miss April and Mr. Philip simultaneously conducted a program for the children birthed the proposal for our 2018 main program.

   This year’s main KnightLights program will have a Seussical (yes, as in Dr. Seuss) flair to it, as it will be our joy to present to you:  “Do You Love the Great I Am?”  In fact, our rather artistic friends, Josh and Wei Wong from Covenant Church in NYC have already taken pictures of Miss April, Mr. Philip, and Mr. Nate and converted them into cartoon characters to go along with the conceptual theme of this program!

   The Bible lessons for this new series will be a study on the “I Am” statements of Jesus as recorded in the books of John and Revelation.  For only the second time ever during a main KnightLights program (with the first time being the year we did “Gracebook”) there will be daily handouts that correspond with the Bible lessons.  The Christian biography segment will highlight missionary H. B. Garlock.  Another visitor from the past. . . everybody’s favorite strict schoolmarm, Miss Nomer. . .  just might be making a reappearance this year.  Red is working on a new song and I plan to have another series ready to go for you.  On that note, please check out both Red’s new album as well as my fourth CD which will be available at our various venues of service.  Other KnightLights team puppets will be on hand to minister, and Mr. Nate promises to have a new review game developed for this summer.

   As in other aspects of life, children’s ministry sometimes comes with its own type of “casualties of war.”  While doing one of our programs, a young man decided to walk through an area that was previously explained to be “off limits” and as a result damaged our projector to the point that we can no longer use it.  (The damage is beyond a mere light bulb replacement.)  We also need to replace the laptop that we use for KnightLights powerpoints as it has frozen on us for extended awkward periods of time recently.  As before, if you feel led to help contribute financially to these specific financial needs of our team, checks could be written out to either Nathan or April Elliott, and then write “KnightLights ministry gift” in the memo section.  Our contact information is:

Nathan & April Elliott
507 East Penn St.               
Bedford, PA  15522  


phone:  (814)-623-5251             


   Thank-you for your friendship, your prayers, and your support, and please have a great Groundhog Day!  Also, if you have not yet “liked” our team’s Facebook page, please do so as a way of keeping up with us on a more regular basis.  On Facebook we can be found at “The KnightLights”.

Your groundhog buddy in Christ,


P.S.—Here is an update on the bathroom leak problem.  The repairman was here while this was being typed and was on his way to the hardware store to get a replacement part for the sink. Shortly after he walked out of the house, he came back in and said, “Hey, here’s one for your sermon.  I have no idea how it happened, but when I went out to my truck to go get the part for your sink there was a brand new one—the exact piece I was headed to the store to buy—on my seat and I don’t know how to explain it!”  Well, considering that we serve the God Who is the Great I Am, the answer is obvious to me!

9/25/17- The KnightLights News

Two New KnightLights Albums Headed for Production

On Monday, September 25, 2017, Gregorio, Red and Pentagon will be headed to the studios of Soaring Eagle Productions to produce the next two KnightLights albums.  Gregorio will be working on his fourth CD, while Red and Pentagon will finally be getting around to record what was originally intended to be their debut album until the "Chosen" project preempted it.  We appreciate your prayers for the team as they work on these endeavors.

2/2/2017 - The KnightLights News

Gregorio's KL Groundhog Day Update


  After one more revolution around the sun, we find ourselves here together once more for the annual Gregorio Groundhog Day KnightLights update e-mail.  

  Sixteen years ago, the original KnightLights team (comprised of Mr. Nate, Miss April, and Miss Danielle Reider) worked into the wee hours of several nights simply coming up with the basic tidbits of information that an upstart ministry team would need to address.  What type of format would their programs take?  What variety of programs would they offer?  How would committing to being strictly a faith-based ministry as opposed to one that charged set fees affect their availability to function?  Who on the team would be responsible for what?  How would the team be able to schedule a full summer’s worth of programs, considering the fact that they had never functioned as their own entity up until that point?

  And perhaps the biggest question of all. . . what would this new group call itself?  (If you have been to a full week of a KnightLights program before, you may already know the sad story of how “A Guy, Two Blondes, and Some Other Dummies” did not make the final cut in this quite important category.)  And the winner after much discussion was, as you all now know:  The KnightLights.  That was sixteen years ago, and during that time span we have never officially done an entire main program that focuses on our team’s name as the theme of the actual program.  That all changes with the arrival of the 2017 summer ministry season.                                                                                                                                                                                                 
    Although as of the writing of my annual Groundhog Day update the new program is still untitled, I have plenty of information about it which I will be able to share with you.

  The Bible lessons for this new program will be a study on the armor of God as discussed in Ephesians 6, with most, if not all, of the Bible verses for this new program coming from this section of Scripture.  The theme verse will be Eph. 6:12, which will be a topic that will be addressed each day by a brand new KnightLights character—a throwback for all of you out there who might admit to being a fan of professional wrestling during the era of the 1980’s—The Nacho Man “Nomore” Baggage!  (Ohh, yeah, he’s ready to dig into it!)

  For those of you who have enjoyed Grandpa’s segments in the past, get ready, because two are better than one—as this year Grandma will make her puppet debut with our team.  Chevanna & Kevin will be sharing some real-life Christian military mini-bio sessions.  Abbie & Lincoln have been given the task of conducting a new segment entitled “Old School, New School, and God’s School.”  In addition to some songs that will be sung in their original form, Red promises to have a new song parody ready to go for us.  Miss April’s Christian biography segment will focus on the lives of William and Catherine Booth, and I (your beloved groundhog buddy) am working on a new series which I call “Gregorio Presents:  Battleplan Blunders.”  Oh, and I suppose I better not forget to give you a heads up on the new review game that the team has in store for you this year.  It is called:  “Nacho vs. Salsa.”  (Yep, you read that one correctly.) 

  We look forward to being able to present this new program that the Lord is formulating in our minds.  That brings us to the main financial need of the team for 2017.  After plenty of times of breaking down or giving us problems at Camp Albryoca, the Cumberland Grace Brethren Church, and numerous other locations, the SUV finally died on us. . . before it was paid off, I might add.  We had to replace it with a van.  As before, if you feel led to help contribute financially to this specific financial need of our team, checks could be written out to either Nathan or April Elliott, and then write “KnightLights ministry gift” in the memo section.  Our contact information is just slightly different now:

Nathan & April Elliott
507 East Penn St.             phone:  (814)-623-5251
Bedford, PA  15522           email: 

  Thank-you for your friendship, your prayers, and your support, and please have a great Groundhog Day!

Your groundhog buddy in Christ,



2/2/2016 - The KnightLights News

Gregorio's KL Groundhog Day Update




            Hello to you on one of our most beloved of all American holidays. . . after Christmas, Easter, and Thanksgiving, of course.  It is Groundhog Day, and that means that today is the day that I send out the annual update on what the KnightLights’ team has planned for our main program for this calendar year.  So sit back, relax, grab a mug of hot chocolate and read along as I present to you this year’s edition of the Gregorio annual Groundhog Day update.


            Our world is indeed changing.  Challenges are being thrown at the Christian faith here in the United States that have never been areas of concern previously.  Last year The KnightLights team worked with some brothers and sisters in Christ in Asia who bravely and courageously lived out their faith in a dangerous environment on a daily basis.  Each morning when they wake up they make a conscious decision:  who am I going to live for today?  Their choice has already been made.  They choose Christ! 


            The name of this year’s upcoming main program is “Point of Decision.” As an interesting “behind the scenes” insight for you, the development of this program was quite different from our fourteen previous ones.  (Yes, believe it or not, this is actually year fifteen for The KnightLights ministry team!)  The one aspect of this particular program which we had decided upon even back during the previous summer was the Christian biography segment:  we knew that we felt led to do a study on the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer.  The rest of the program got filled in with time.  Our Bible lessons will be a thematic study of various passages of Scripture that highlight individuals who found themselves at a crisis moment, or a “point of decision” if you will, in which they had to make a critical choice.  Some of the accounts we will highlight will include those who chose wisely, and some will relate what happened when some chose poorly.  (And interestingly enough. . . especially if you reread my update e-mail from last year. . . for the first time in fifteen years, our team is finally doing a Bible lesson on Noah!)  The other Bible lessons will discuss the lives of:  Abraham & Lot; Rehoboam; the disciples when they appeared before the Sanhedrin; and interestingly enough, you and me as seen through Jesus’ parable of the two builders.  The other KnightLights’ puppets will be there to help teach the Bible verses and to reiterate the spiritual truths of the Bible lessons.  The current word on the street is that there may be a new character that shows up for a new segment. . . and man, does he have an interesting name. . . he is known as the “Mr. Smiley Face Sticker Man.”  Red and Pentagon currently have a new theme song parody in the works, and I plan to have a new set of storios ready to go for your entertainment and edification purposes.  The team is also considering doing a daily end-of-the-session court room showdown, similar to what we did during our 2003 program.  Judge Judy should be proud.


            This is also the time of the year in which we inform you of a tangible, practical way in which you could be a blessing to our team.  The main equipment need that we are facing in 2016 is that we need to replace our current sound system.  We especially use this during our camp programs, at churches without sound systems, and also for the programs at Harvey Cedars Bible Conference.  Your help in this area is greatly appreciated.


            As before, if you feel led to help contribute financially to the needs of our team, checks could be written out to either Nathan or April Elliott, and then write “KL gift” in the memo section.  Our contact information is:


Nathan & April Elliott

432 East Penn St. 2nd Floor                             phone:  (814)-623-5251

Bedford, PA 15522                                      



            Thank-you for your friendship, your prayers, and your support.  As the world is becoming increasingly antagonistic toward God and His Word, each and every day is becoming a clear “Point of Decision” for each of us.  Who will you serve?  God or this world?  Christ or yourself?  We pray that you will not be blind to the truth, and that you will have the spiritual courage to do what’s right.  And make sure you take the time to enjoy the rest of your Groundhog Day!



Your groundhog buddy in Christ,




3/7/2015 - The KnightLights News

Special Program for May 2015

In May of 2015, our team will be doing a rather unique, and special program.  If you would like to learn more about this endeavor, or perhaps even partner with us, please contact us.  We would love to discuss with you what the Lord is doing in this situation!

2/21/2015 - The KnightLights News

The KnightLights Web-site Begins

Mr. Philip begins the initial work for "The KnightLights" web-site.

12/30/2014 - The KnightLights News

New CD Released!

Back in December of 2014 our newest CD was released to the public.

© 2015 by The KnightLights. Created by Philip Mack

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